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  • Enjoying financial freedom
    Start your future right now with...

You deserve a custom financial plan.

We are able to help you find the answers you need to build wealth.

Financial Planning Workshops

Family Planning for Professionals – Wealth Builders Workshop

Working couples or individuals with a combined portfolio of $250k or more and a current savings plan looking for a better understanding and guidance to reach their goals

  • Understanding the 3 major Tax-Free growth and savings strategies for all Canadians
  • Power of a plan and forecasting your future – short term & long-term goals
  • Risk Management – protecting your family, assets and estate
  • When & why to buy an RRSP vs a TFSA and how the taxes really breakdown
  • Sample Plan – accumulation of Wealth & Retirement pay cheque to age 90

Ideal for individuals or working couples with a combined portfolio of $250,000 or more combined with a current savings plan hoping for a better understanding and guidance to reach their goals.

Who needs a financial Plan?

A financial plan is the core map that will assist you in making educated decisions related to your current financial situation and setting up your future of short-term needs and long-term retirement goals. A proper financial plan includes - cash flow, budgeting, savings, proper use of savings vehicles, insurance planning, real estate planning and estate planning.

Real Estate & Wealth Workshops

Real Estate & Wealth – Wealth Builders Workshop

Individuals who are interested in diversifying their assets through real estate. This may include purchasing a rental property, buying your first home or upgrading your principle residence.

  • Understand the most tax efficient savings strategies to fund new purchases
  • How to buy your first rental property and how to navigate the associated challenges
  • Utilizing your principal residence as large Tax-Free savings plan to help fund your retirement
  • What strategy to use for rental properties in retirement – rental income vs selling
  • Full retirement plan accessing personal savings and real estate holdings
  • How to utilize your RRSP when selling a rental to be more tax efficient

Ideal for young families and individuals with healthy cash flow, looking to make real estate as part of their savings plan - Rental Properties or Personal Residence.

What will a Financial Plan answer for me?

It’s almost taboo to talk about money, avoidance is the route most people take however the right proper plan with all the information a financial planner can provide you the answers you really need to know for retirement planning. Here are the answers you will receive – When you can retire, How much money you will have monthly/annually, your tax structure, ability to claim OAS benefit, how to draw down RRSP tax efficiently and the plan to pass your estate to the next generation properly.

Pension Management Workshops

Pension Management Workshops

Individuals with a pension who are close to retirement, contemplating accepting the locked-in monthly benefit vs. commuting the full value to their personal portfolio

  • Personal savings plan and assets to support pension in retirement
  • Is my pension fully taxable in retirement?
  • Will OAS & CPP be affected by my retirement income?
  • Tax sheltering long term growth and transferring 100% to family
  • Estate planning and the importance of a valid will.
  • Police Officers, Teachers, Nurses, Municipal Employees, Factory Employees can all benefit from learning how to make more educated decisions with respect to their retirement

Ideal for individuals with a pension who are close to retirement, contemplating accepting the locked-in monthly benefit vs. commuting the full value to their personal portfolio.

Creating a Wealth Plan to transition

We deserve to educate ourselves and understand our tax obligations when planning our retirement. Do you know if your pension is fully taxable? Will CPP and OAS be fully taxable? Do I have to pay taxes on my RRSP retirement savings? Can I pass my Pension on to my spouse or kids if I pass away? There are many questions that need to be answered and we can help connect you with the right financial planner to put your mind at ease.

Risk Management Workshops – Living Benefits & Life Insurance

Risk Management Workshops – Living Benefits & Life Insurance

Wealth building also requires protection from risk that is derived from unexpected and unfortunate events that happen in our life revolving around death and serious illness. This may include pre-mature death, disability or a serious illness.

  • Understand how to use insurance to maximize your estate
  • Protect cottages, vacation properties and real estate portfolios to pass onto future generations
  • Learn how to protect yourself before the unexpected happens
  • Term Life Insurance
  • Permanent Life Insurance – Whole Life Policy
  • Learn how to protect yourself before the unexpected happens
  • Critical Illness insurance
  • Disability insurance

What Insurance is right for me?

Living benefits will take care of you and your family members should you become sick or seriously injured and are unable to work but still need money to cover monthly responsibilities. Some of these policies also include a full refund of all premiums paid if you never become sick and make a claim. This could be built into your savings and retirement plan.

Life insurance has many options and requires a proper analysis to understand all the aspects of coverage needed in case of tragedy. Protection on debts, liabilities, tax obligations and survivor income for ongoing needs should be assessed and advised properly.

Business Owner Planning Workshops

Business Owner – Wealth Builder Workshop

Ideal for small to medium sized business owners looking for tax savings

  • Mitigate large taxes when selling a business or transitioning to a family member
  • Strategies to utilize corporate dollars to save for capital purchases and fund retirement
  • Risk Management strategies to protect partners, family members and business assets
  • How to properly utilize RRSP’s and TFSA’s on the personal side to supplement your business planning
  • Forecast your retirement income to ensure you don't outlive your money
  • Estate planning to help minimize taxes for both your family and your business

Ideal for small to medium sized business owners who want to understand how to take advantage of tax sheltering, savings and optimizing their retirement opportunities.

Financial Planning for Business Owners

Small and medium sized business owners are important, they keep our economy turning, employing so many Canadians. They are often left to only the advice of an accountant for tax purposes to satisfy CRA requirements and lack a true financial plan. There are so many saving options available for business owners accompanied by tax sheltering strategies that can be utilized to enhance retirement or let you retire earlier than expected. Your experienced Financial Planner will create a customized strategy to support your accountant and lawyer’s direction.

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